Neurodiversity and Inclusion Initiative

Professional Training Workshop on Neurodiversity facilitated by Dr Dorothy Armstrong 2024

Neurodivergent children are often on lengthy waiting lists prior to being able to access therapy. The Kildare CYPSC and Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme funded an inter-agency neurodiversity and inclusion initiative in Co. Kildare to offer children and families support whilst they are waiting for services.  The programme was delivered through the Family Resource Centres (FRCs) across Kildare. Dr Dorothy Armstrong (Occupational Therapist) led the programme which ran from January to December in 2024 and included:

  1. Education programs on Neurodiversity for Professionals: Five sessions lasting three hours each delivered by Dr Armstrong.  The program has run twice, Fifty people have taken part including professionals working within the HSE, Tusla, FRCs and local groups such as Kildare Traveller action group.
  2. Parent education programs: Six sessions lasting 1.5 hours delivered by Dr Armstrong to groups of eight parents.  Sessions were hosted by the following FRCs – Athy x 2, Curragh x 2, Newbridge x1 and Kildare x 1. 
  3. Occupational Therapy intervention for neurodivergent children – The children of the parents who took part in the education programs each received six sessions of Occupational Therapy which were held at the respective FRCs.  The sessions were delivered by Dr Dorothy Armstrong, Marianne Ashe (Senior Occupational Therapist) and Naomi Ambury (Occupational Therapist).  Funding was also provided for Dr Armstrong to give clinical supervision to both therapists. 

The great advantage of the program is that the professionals working at the FRCs had built strong relationships with the families and were instrumental in providing ongoing support during and post the Occupational Therapy.  Feedback has been collected from all participants and an external evaluation is now being conducted. It is hoped that funding can be secured for the project to recommence in September 2025.